Somos una empresa dedicada a las artes escénicas con más de 30 años de experiencia en teatro; profesional, escolar y amateur. Especializados en niños y jóvenes por más de 20 años.

Beneficios de Hacer Teatro
Hacer Teatro es una de las actividades que mas recompensas tiene en un ser humano; Ademas de divertirse el teatro hace personas tengan mayor seguridad y confianza, un mejor manejo de emociones y sentimientos; logra un real y verdadero trabajo en equipo que genera disciplina sociabilidad, respeto y tolerancia ante sus compañeros y el mundo real. Así logramos grandes COMPAÑIAS teatrales, donde el desarrollo actoral se funde con la vida cotidiana.
Jugar a ser un personaje diferente de uno mismo nos da la perspectiva necesaria para fortalecer nos personalmente , ser comprensivos con otras realidades a la vez que aumentamos nuestra capacidad de comunicación ahora ya muy necesaria.
Nuestros horarios
Kids / Beginner
Dance Studio #7
Teacher Johnson
The History of Ballet
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.
Adult / Beginner
The Pano Studio
Teacher Jefferson
Becoming a Ballet Dancer
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.
Kids / Beginner
Dance Studio #7
Teacher Johnson
The History of Ballet
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.
Adult / Beginner
The Pano Studio
Teacher Jefferson
Becoming a Ballet Dancer
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.
Kids / Beginner
Dance Studio #7
Teacher Johnson
The History of Ballet
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.
Adult / Beginner
The Pano Studio
Teacher Jefferson
Becoming a Ballet Dancer
Our client list is drawn from the competitive world of stand-up comedy and our boutique, focused company works closely with them to develop talents learned on the circuit into the.